Ahh...that bittersweet moment when a piece you've poured your heart into is sold. I had this happen today. A buyer purchased two of my paintings and I told him that parting with something that you create from a blank canvas, that ends up turning out better than you could imagine, is often a difficult time. However, that's what I'm in business for. I want people to share in the joy that my work brings. I can always create another piece, or even try to copy the one that just sold, but it will never be exactly the same. That would be like trying to style every single strand of your hair exactly the same way two times in a row. You might come close, but it won't be a perfect match.
In all honestly, it is fun to sell a piece of art. It's not just the money, although it is nice to be rewarded for the work I do. I enjoy the actual transfer of ownership almost as much as creating the painting itself because I get to share in the story with the buyer.21 I can tell them about the craftsmanship, the quality of the canvas, the varnish that protects their new piece of property, but more importantly, I get to learn what made them wanted to buy it. The buyer for one of the pieces I sold today had been moved by it several months ago, but wasn't ready to buy it then. This last week he was ready and contacted me. He shared that since he saw it, he was moved by it. It was his favorite color and the symbolism of a lion meant a lot to him.