I was discipled by an amazing man of God named Scott. He spent three years teaching me the Bible and helping me to learn what spiritual disciplines and gifts are. We met every week with a small group of people. We ate a meal, usually had someone play a few songs on their guitar, studied the Bible, and ended the night praying for each other.
During the prayer times I often saw pictures in my mind. After I started painting I realized that I can turn the images I was seeing into pictures people can literally see. This is the essence of my work. I start a new painting by spending time in prayer, the Bible, or in worship. I seem to be most inspired during live worship and have a list of dozens and dozens of concepts that have popped into my mind as I close my eyes and enter into the presence of the King of Kings.
Many times the images I see could best be described as "foggy." I can see something that attracts me, but it's not clear. I have to intentional press in and ask the Holy Spirit what He is showing me. Slowly it becomes a little bit clearer. Rarely do I get a completely clear image in my mind. Most of the time it's simply an impression, but that's enough for me to work with. I've learned to trust that part of what I do with my work is simply inviting the Holy Spirit to be infused in the process as I work.